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Hudson Valley Haulers

Greetings from the Hudson Valley Loadmasters! Located at Stewart ANGB, NY- we are about 60 miles north of NYC. Our chapter is one of many in a national organization that supports military and civilian professional loadmasters. We load the newest aircraft in the fleet- the Boeing C-17A Globemaster III. Our cadre have been assigned as Loadmasters on many different airframes to include the C-130, C-141, and the mighty C-5. Our active and retired loadmasters meet once a month to discuss loadmaster issues and chapter business. We invite everyone to attend, contact the chapter president for meeting details.


The Association is organized and operates exclusively as a certified Section 501(c) (10) non-profit tax exempt organization dedicated to extending the spirit and camaraderie among those persons who serve or have served as Aircraft Loadmasters on transport aircraft and helicopters to include rescue type aircraft and gunships. It will be at the discretion of the PLA Executive Committee to decide if a person is or is not a Loadmaster. In addition to furthering the history and traditions of the men and women who serve or have served as Loadmasters, the Association has established a scholarship program and humanitarian grants to benefit Loadmasters and their families.


General membership is open to all aircraft Loadmasters, civilian and military, who serve or have served as Aircraft Loadmasters on transport aircraft and helicopters to include rescue type aircraft and gunships. Members must have been a fully qualified Loadmaster. Membership will be voluntary and not restricted or influenced on the grounds of age, race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. A member must be able to provide proof of eligibility if so requested by the PLA Executive Committee.


Our chapters priorities are bringing awareness to challenges that our loadmasters encounter as well as better our unit and community. Our board members are:

  • President: Anthony Galioto (843) 270-8879

  • Vice President:

  • Treasurer: Jeffrey Burke

  • Secretary: Mark Pendleton

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